Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bringing the True Soruce Function into assisting us in our request!

Interested in working toward bringing in heaven instead of the hell we have been bringing in!

Tired of the old story we have been creating with all its flaws. Then your opportunity is here! Learn how we create with our mind the world around us. Learn how to escape your flawed story with all the fear and turmoil.

Not another cult? A true healing experience!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Bringing the True Soruce Function into assisting us in our request!

If you desire Abundance, Peace etc., You must be willing to give accountability with your work to building heaven, you must be willing to extend yourself towards building heaven in this physical world. The Source function will turn a deaf ear towards your cries in prayer to bring these heavenly gifts into reality then you must be willing to grant your earnest effort towards bring it into fruition by listening and becoming responsible and get guidance toward learning what you must do become a spiritualist activist. What is needed, miracle help etc., track contributions and where we are and check in to contribute., intro courses and become a heaven consultant in building a heaven in this world. 1. heaven agents in aciton. 2. heaven in the making, participate, direct presence! Advance in an accelerated rate.

Negative Aliens, Entities, Energies, Demons etc.,


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