Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Encouragements in your behalf

Do you love and I mean really love this world?

Do you really care about others that are the product of your story book world that you have created?

Each of us lives our own story book world. I create mine on my computer and store it so that in time others may read what i felt and thought and desired to bring about. It might not agree with your story, but you had to share some of yours with me as i did with yours.

Visit with Sherry at and also visit with me at and see the christmas eve photos of orbs or spheres taken in Glenville, NY.

See what a difference your pictured intent can make in the future of the world.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Regarding taxi rules and regulations...,

The choice is really yours...,
Your true form of consciousness
on the left and the vision you hold
on the right. You note that some
of the orbs or spheres are bright
and white and well lit? They are
different to the murkey dingy
encrusted and material encrusted
bluish or purple etc., Which are you. This by the way is the way we really look.

should consider that it is your choice as to what you may get..., it is up to you.

Is it love or your choice, anger, blame or love...,
Look at it this way, you pass on from this life to Oh! No!, if I go through the light gate, I have face disclosure of all my evil and i will be guilty of evil that i have done and will be..., I realize now that all the good that i could have done, would be my pass or key to the other side..., I guess I will have to
A) stay here as a ghost...,

B) possess a person, even if it is an unborn and live my life through it..., perhaps I can make changes that will get me to be able to go on to the other side without judgement for my prior evi..., (Oh! It could confuse the unborn as i try to change its desired!)

With gas going up to 4.11 cents per gallon today. I feel that we can not really raise our fares. but we should all turn away from the view of the pictured story on the screen and look back at the film, In our brain is our pictured intent. The formaulative area where we can make a change. Each of us should start to look at our situation and think 0f what we desired. We should set our thoughts on that and look to embrace it as we ebrace the rain in a draught - run in it and feel it and give thanks.

does it sound so hard, it is what i use to heal people that are my passengers in my taxi. Try it and feel it. Thanks Mick, it may surprise you.

My little young lady friend Echo...,

My friend Echo, Like all young women wants to be noticed as she is growing up. Not to say she is not disciplined and well deserves her desired. She as few young ladies is well disciplined as she has been on home schooling. She is coming to the flowering of a young lady faster than those in school in as much as she is caring of herself. she has known only love and guidance on a one to one basis. Her mom sees her through a growing womans eyes. and feels she is on schedule. I admire her efforts as she is overcoming many problems that she and her husband have encountered in growing up. I am thankful that her red wagon has not been attached to her daughter's little wagon. To be totally happy one has to let go of that wagon. I guided a man and his son to letting go of fear. Today I am sure they enjoy the blessings of having done so. I have been thinking of a blog named perhaps something simple like just a thought or a moment of your time..., look for me and my changes on bye. mick

Digital Camera's and the things that they do...,

this one on the left has been altered with a star trek type spatial opening that allows for two little angels to hold one of the orbs and review it. Go to and look for the subject of the middle east to learn more about the layers of your being.

The following picture on the right is a original taken on a Omega mp3 on christmas eve 12-25-07 in Glenville, NY. and there were no orbs visible. just the christmas eve scene of a few farmers dancing in front of some make shift stalls made up of christmas lights. You can just imagine what i felt as I looked at the down load as it was with additional details of things that i only had heard about. Now they were visible (on wednesday about the 28th of May 2008, on the Coast to Coast AM program there were people talking about what the digital camera's are bringing into our lives. Well this day it brought a tale into reality in mine. I offer you two photo's, the original with out the spacial opening and the one with the spacial opening and the two angels holding an orb (you may go to my ramblings of a moon struck holistic healer or taxi cab confessions. providing that google has been messing with it again, and it still exist, search christmas eve and go down on the blog to the point of the orbs that have an explanation on the side.)