Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What is the Problem?!!
I previously registered with the Albany Medical Center in their Touch Of Love Department.., they felt that I was over-qualified and they desired to keep to Reiki universally. Sorry? Your saying to me that you desire to keep the old saw and thread and needle?
I went to the VA and met with every head up to the 11th floor and only one more person to see. Each person i spoke with as i was guided by each interviewer in the departments from volunteers to the directors. They all met me with the feeling of being under the gun, A Hot Potato was in front of them and they were only to happy to brush me off. Only one mentioned that There were proof of etc. that would be required and that they would have to check on credentials etc., and prove qualifications.
I went to the VA and met with every head up to the 11th floor and only one more person to see. Each person i spoke with as i was guided by each interviewer in the departments from volunteers to the directors. They all met me with the feeling of being under the gun, A Hot Potato was in front of them and they were only to happy to brush me off. Only one mentioned that There were proof of etc. that would be required and that they would have to check on credentials etc., and prove qualifications.
- This field of energy healing is newly exposed
- It existed under wrap of course
- It took a monk to bring forth the interest in healing with it
- The secrets have been known from time immemorial
- It was recognized by cultures all over the world
- The druids in Northern Europe, the Say'He in Polynesia, etc.,
- The closest they have to liscensing it is Reiki as they are refusing other forms.
- fortune would have it that this not the only form.
Well i remember that as a Tech in WUTCO - we developed the fiber optics and behives etc., I remember that I helped set up some basics for what would later be taught at La Guardia Community College. Nobody asked me if I was liscensed in fiber. It was too new and in roads were being laid out. This is where the medical society now finds itself.
Their are no secrets in life
Why do we allow the AMA to rule what is right or wrong?
Consider that it is quite young and not on working in our interest. It is obviously biased and leaning toward the pharmaceuticals and can be bought for a price. Take for instance mercury is okay in the human body poisoning the system in dentistry but not in your dinner as fish or as simple mercurchrome which when applied with a Q-tip to your tonsils, which by the way after two days you see the difference in that they are redued in their infection and swelling. Not to mention mercury is now in most of your drinking water. Who started the pharmaceuticals anyway..., Oh! the family that was in Germany and brought over to continue their work..., Doctors that were using the Jews for experments.
Quantum Touch listen to the program in which Richard Gordon speaks of the experiences he has had. You may study QT at a high price or study my system that is working not on ones own energy, but using the Source directed choice as ones own inorder to bring Heaven to Earth. No need to die to bring Heaven to Earth certainly not like the religious way of dying to go to heaven.
He talks abot people growing cartlidge during healing. Find the young man who experienced healing after hitting someone and tearing his knucle on the tooth of the opponent. He experienced total healing in less than four minutes. He was in SUNY Indian Quad. Metaphysical TechniquesAppearing during the middle two hours, neurosurgeon John L. Turner M.D. spoke about his spiritual journey and study of metaphysical techniques. During a brain tumor surgery that wasn't going well, he first tried out the power of prayer. "Please let me help stop this bleeding," he thought, and miraculously the patient started to do better almost immediately. It was as though "I was tapping into a higher power," he explained, and this incident launched his quest to study such areas as life-after-death, EVP, remote viewing, and out-of-body experiences. on breath techniques check it out
He talks abot people growing cartlidge during healing. Find the young man who experienced healing after hitting someone and tearing his knucle on the tooth of the opponent. He experienced total healing in less than four minutes. He was in SUNY Indian Quad. Metaphysical TechniquesAppearing during the middle two hours, neurosurgeon John L. Turner M.D. spoke about his spiritual journey and study of metaphysical techniques. During a brain tumor surgery that wasn't going well, he first tried out the power of prayer. "Please let me help stop this bleeding," he thought, and miraculously the patient started to do better almost immediately. It was as though "I was tapping into a higher power," he explained, and this incident launched his quest to study such areas as life-after-death, EVP, remote viewing, and out-of-body experiences. on breath techniques check it out
Evidence for the Soul
On Researcher Ian Lawton discussed the soul and evidence of its (pre)existence. According to Lawton, "everybody has a soul that pre-exists their existing life and almost all of us will have had previous lives before this one." As proof, he recounted the story of a 6-year-old boy from Indiana, James Leininger, who some believe is World War II Navy pilot James Huston Jr., reincarnated. Lawton said the boy had recurring nightmares of being trapped in a burning cockpit and, perhaps most intriguing, had three G.I. Joe action figures named Leon, Walter and Billy - three pilots who coincidentally served with Huston aboard the Natoma Bay in the 1940s. Lawton related the incredible near death experience of a Russian scientist, 'George,' who had been run over by a car and pronounced dead at the scene. George spent three days in a cabinet at the morgue before he was revived, Lawton said. During that time, he recalled travelling in an astral body to another part of the hospital where there was a crying baby with whom he could communicate telepathically. When he was brought back, George told doctors the infant was suffering from a fractured hip, which x-rays later confirmed to be true. Lawton also spoke about karma, past life and interlife regression evidence, as well as what he called the holographic aspect of the "Source" (a word Lawton uses to describe what some might call "God"). According to Lawton, we are simultaneously individual aspects of the Source and holographic representations of it. For Lawton this means humans are here to "experience and grow over many lifetimes," as is the Source itself.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Indigo Children & Crystal Children, proclaiming the arrival of supernal or heavenly man/woman on Earth at this time on our world as an advent to a supra-conscious human being. It is Love which heals the people. One can only heal people because of the love One carries in self. When talking about healing ..., more than just about the recovery of the body, it is the grounded and practical individual who knows the importance of balancing and healing our own lives so that we can reach out to help others. One would not expect people who are losing their homes in financial crisis or their health in illness to also try to fix the planet in the face of their crumbling lives. Compassionately, healing work reaches people at the most fundamental level so that once healthy and stable, they have the energy, strength and foundation to share with the world more than just joy, well-wishes or hopes of better tomorrows! He who would save the world must be one with the world. It is logical and intuitive to bring light to the shadow of one’s own life and relationships in order to be one with the needs of the world; it is in fact the most expeditious, practical and honest way to create a real platform for change.
There are world famous healers such as John of God in Brazil who have UFOs regularly seen over his healing center. Shaman and bio-energetic healer Hector Palacios in Zacatecas, Mexico also claims to heal with extraterrestrial assistance. My teacher often speaks of Aliens, who work for the Dark Side. They who have sided with the Dark and assist in our end by assisting the demon Confusion of what is right and what is wrong. Just as it has worked in religion. The promise of post and wealth during their short lives is very appealing.
One must anchor, meld, bond, ground and reconnect to the True Source daily. Better your mantra be -- I am the loving presence that is aligned with the one true and perfect power--the Source.
One must clear one's self daily by ask Source, of negative aliens, energies, elementals, jinn, demons, disincarnate spirits etc., and their implants, mischief and whispers before and after healing or undertaking any activity daily.
Then and only then may one ask of the Source cleared of one's own bias and colored truth for a healing of anything. It is best to release the healing to the Source than to muddle it with our own colors. I may see an imperfect spine and wish to see a perfect spine, but it is better to just see what a perfect spine looks like and ask for a healing of the one suspect.
Thank the Source for the healing and release of the imperfect imprints we created as it helps us define our own identity, our uniqueness and our stunning potential for greatness as a species as we overcome our challenges into maturity as we learn the code of creation. It is walking in nature and here we all can find our grace as we harmonize with our own planetary consciousness, readying us to step into our greater cosmic destiny. As we make right our own relationship with our planet and each other, we make right simultaneously our relationship in a greater framework. Synthesis is the key to transformation and growth. Leaders in the field of Exopolitics are pushing world governments for full disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence; it will come when the collective consciousness is ready for it and in the interim nothing is more important than the three aspects of spiritualizing the individual and collective personality: “Know thyself”, “Accept thyself” and “Become the loving, compassionate expression -- Creator”, in solidifying our integrity as a planetary civilization that is ready and prepared to hold the eternal gaze of peace in our own eyes
In the firt chakra you see the male and female principle who ride within a white four leaf petal lotus, the male telling the story, the female listening and serving the tea and sweets atop Ganeesh. The faint whispy white cobra rises from the center of the lotus petals above the two demi-gods and descends twice a day giving rise to our minds intent, our emotional trigger, our psyche of senses, our physical reality as the energy flows out and returns to our senses reanimated by the cycle of breath. We create our story.
There are world famous healers such as John of God in Brazil who have UFOs regularly seen over his healing center. Shaman and bio-energetic healer Hector Palacios in Zacatecas, Mexico also claims to heal with extraterrestrial assistance. My teacher often speaks of Aliens, who work for the Dark Side. They who have sided with the Dark and assist in our end by assisting the demon Confusion of what is right and what is wrong. Just as it has worked in religion. The promise of post and wealth during their short lives is very appealing.
One must anchor, meld, bond, ground and reconnect to the True Source daily. Better your mantra be -- I am the loving presence that is aligned with the one true and perfect power--the Source.
One must clear one's self daily by ask Source, of negative aliens, energies, elementals, jinn, demons, disincarnate spirits etc., and their implants, mischief and whispers before and after healing or undertaking any activity daily.
Then and only then may one ask of the Source cleared of one's own bias and colored truth for a healing of anything. It is best to release the healing to the Source than to muddle it with our own colors. I may see an imperfect spine and wish to see a perfect spine, but it is better to just see what a perfect spine looks like and ask for a healing of the one suspect.
Thank the Source for the healing and release of the imperfect imprints we created as it helps us define our own identity, our uniqueness and our stunning potential for greatness as a species as we overcome our challenges into maturity as we learn the code of creation. It is walking in nature and here we all can find our grace as we harmonize with our own planetary consciousness, readying us to step into our greater cosmic destiny. As we make right our own relationship with our planet and each other, we make right simultaneously our relationship in a greater framework. Synthesis is the key to transformation and growth. Leaders in the field of Exopolitics are pushing world governments for full disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence; it will come when the collective consciousness is ready for it and in the interim nothing is more important than the three aspects of spiritualizing the individual and collective personality: “Know thyself”, “Accept thyself” and “Become the loving, compassionate expression -- Creator”, in solidifying our integrity as a planetary civilization that is ready and prepared to hold the eternal gaze of peace in our own eyes
In the firt chakra you see the male and female principle who ride within a white four leaf petal lotus, the male telling the story, the female listening and serving the tea and sweets atop Ganeesh. The faint whispy white cobra rises from the center of the lotus petals above the two demi-gods and descends twice a day giving rise to our minds intent, our emotional trigger, our psyche of senses, our physical reality as the energy flows out and returns to our senses reanimated by the cycle of breath. We create our story.
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