Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Evidence for the Soul

On Researcher Ian Lawton discussed the soul and evidence of its (pre)existence. According to Lawton, "everybody has a soul that pre-exists their existing life and almost all of us will have had previous lives before this one." As proof, he recounted the story of a 6-year-old boy from Indiana, James Leininger, who some believe is World War II Navy pilot James Huston Jr., reincarnated. Lawton said the boy had recurring nightmares of being trapped in a burning cockpit and, perhaps most intriguing, had three G.I. Joe action figures named Leon, Walter and Billy - three pilots who coincidentally served with Huston aboard the Natoma Bay in the 1940s. Lawton related the incredible near death experience of a Russian scientist, 'George,' who had been run over by a car and pronounced dead at the scene. George spent three days in a cabinet at the morgue before he was revived, Lawton said. During that time, he recalled travelling in an astral body to another part of the hospital where there was a crying baby with whom he could communicate telepathically. When he was brought back, George told doctors the infant was suffering from a fractured hip, which x-rays later confirmed to be true. Lawton also spoke about karma, past life and interlife regression evidence, as well as what he called the holographic aspect of the "Source" (a word Lawton uses to describe what some might call "God"). According to Lawton, we are simultaneously individual aspects of the Source and holographic representations of it. For Lawton this means humans are here to "experience and grow over many lifetimes," as is the Source itself.

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