Saturday, November 10, 2007
An Update on my Friend with the Tummy Problem
Monday, October 22, 2007
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My friends in Healing
Personal Experience
I had recently a attack of entities that made its physical appearance as a swelling painfully in my right side like long extending network of swelling. I quickly began a affirmation prayer much like the one I printed earlier.
"I called on the Source and the Source Created Resources for a manifest and activate a miracle made in heaven cleansing and healing of my Cell Energies and my Lymph Nodes. (3 times repated) Then I did the Acceptance affirmation. "I accept my healing and release the imprint etc., I now feel a lot healthier. My pain is down to about one half inch spot instead of the entire right isde. Oh! I do work on the 12 dimensional level. I suggest that Michael Kouri visit and learn of Sherry"s work and lock into the higher Source. No not all religions are looking at the proper God. If you can give it a name. sorry, it is only a demi-god.
The Source is not looking to be worshipped. It has no name. It is not feminine or male. etc., etc.,
I often daily state "I call upon the Source and the Source created to meld, bond, ground and reconnect my intuitive intelligence to the Source. I suggest that Michael Kouri (if you desire to work on the 12th dimensional level and higher with a foot in heaven etc, ) start to reconnect daily!..., mick
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Mr. Nolan's gift and Me.
A phrase of what it is you would like to heal and release or let go of---Then Insert that affirmational at the point below marked
*my affirmation/prayer:
affirmation number one
I ask for a cleansing, refreshment and rebalancing of Nolan's energies from Spirit to his physical cellular level and all spaces of his being not mentioned. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
affirmation number two
I ask for a cleansing, a refreshment and rebalancing of "Nolan's" Chakra's from Spirit to his physical cellular level and all spaces of his being not mentioned. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
affirmation number three
I ask for a rebalancing of his polarities. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
affirmation number four
I ask for a manifest and activation of a miracle made in heaven healing at the source of my energies, mind, emotions, psyche, and cellular structure. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
(Repeat the entire prayer 3 times bearing in mind that your talking to the Source with intent--and not just mouthing words as you may have done in past prayers.)
Insert the Prayer request:
I call upon the Source and the Source created resources. I ask for a manifestation and activation of a miracle made in heaven healing at the source of the discomfort or disease in behalf of Mr. Nolan. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I accept the healing in behalf of Mr. Nolan.
I release the imprint in Mind, in Emotions, in Psyche and at the physical cellular body.
I open to the greater good of love, not of my will, but the will of love be. through me to him for his highest and best good in his concern. In my name I ask. So be it. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.--michael
(he turned and looking up said, "I feel much better now, michael."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Letting Go....,

Ocean Siren's Celestial Whisper
Many guest on the talk show are today making all types of comments on the approaching 2012 etc., and multi-dimensional universes, aliens-good and bad, entities, energies, demons and disincarante spirits. What they are also saying is that they have no way of proving or disproving the existance only the belief is based on strong measurements and foggy pictures.Mean while, back at the ranch, Dale, Evans, Audrey and the gang continue their private battle with the darkside on a moment to moment basis. Someone forgot to upgrade the coasttocoast guest host that this battle indeed is on and continues with casualties on both sides. Your locked into the physical battle, which is only a dream illusion of what your term 'Reality!' Everything is a state of mind, projected through the eyes and realized by our senses as the 'Reality!'Someone forgot that in the Quantum Soup, their is only Source, the Spirit whose experiencing the multi-universe in a multi-existing forms that it created. These multiforms are choosing to create their realities and have lost theirselves in the experience. They now blame the God's they created and judges, kings and governments etc., for the state that they find themselves in. Anything to blame other than theirselves.Anyone with half a brain can see the effects of thinking much like the effects of the rays of the sun and effects of the wind. What do these guest and host require to see as proof??!!!
Sounds from the Past affecting the Future
Considering taking active part in bringing about Heaven into your Projects and establishing a New World in which the Fantasy Story Book Life with all the problems of Today's World is non-existent!? Where it is replaced with a Made in Heaven Story Book Life without all the world problems of Today's existence.
I have talked to many in person up until today and introduced you to the Deli Counter where you used to by the old and outdated, problematic world of religion, had to believe that the item in the Deli Case could be your answer to today's problems in your life if you would just believe!
Then in, through the use of affirmational teachings, I introduced you to my way of viewing, in which you had a taste of the item in the Deli Case and then could taste and feel the reason to believe much more as you physically tasted of it and saw it work in your reality. I introduced you to the concept of a Reality based on your Pictured Intent in which your focus applied a Time Stamp and like the Television then spread the picture to form your Reality! I taught you to change your focus and picture a different reality and bring about a Healing! This Healing was on many different levels!
Well Today, I bring you the latest! And I invite youto go to the URL ..., "!" And I introduce you to The Source of that! By inviting you to actually taste of the item it is revealing the level you have been looking for! Not the Horizon's view of the world is ending! The introduction of Hope and Joy! Bringing in the New World! Today! This Moment! The New World Is Here!--Michael P.S. Just let the Source know I sent You!
posted by Michael Ramirez @ 9:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007