Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mr. Nolan's gift and Me.

Love is the underlying force that motivates us. We do not have to try to be in a loving mood to do great healing work, since love is your nature. Similarly, water does not have to try to be wet, it is simply its nature. Once you understand this, then feeling your love can only make the healing work better. We are always co-creating our reality. This is the blessing we call consciousness or Being Alive! How powerful is it? Look around! Our reality is the result of our pictured intent! We have a choice to use creativity and make the changes rather than be locked into our fears that only accents our 'dis-comfort or dis-ease.'Pain and inflamation are rapidly reduced as a consequence of the healing. This truly embodies the essence of what makes Quantum-Touch effective. The practitioner learns to hold a high vibration in his/her hands, then through resonance and entrainment, the person you are working with matches that vibration with you. The body does it's own healing - the practioner just holds a resonance. You see, the definition of a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly. All the practitioner does is 'hold' the vibration. This is why you really can not heal anybody else. Everyone heals themselves. By holding a high vibration, the practitioner never becomes drained or sick from doing the work.I am able to increase the focus through use of carefully constructed statement's. See my Affirmational/Prayer Technique which by the way is non-religious. I affirm my willingess to accept my healing, my willingness to release all cords, attachments and imprints of emotions etc., as related to the experience and then be open to accept my greater good. I realized that sound is keyed and words in chorus quicken the concentrated focus-that by reciting a word or sound one has struck a note, while several notes make make a chord, several scores make a tune that makes you feel bad or good. Biblically, the 'Word' (or sound, 'Big Bang?!') was and creation came into existence echo's of that beig bang are virbrations that affix in an instant of creation a precept of creation that our intent and focus through love is sampled and interpreted by our sense's as 'time and reality. Take a moment to construct your request or affirmation:
A phrase of what it is you would like to heal and release or let go of---Then Insert that affirmational at the point below marked
*my affirmation/prayer:
affirmation number one
I ask for a cleansing, refreshment and rebalancing of Nolan's energies from Spirit to his physical cellular level and all spaces of his being not mentioned. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

affirmation number two
I ask for a cleansing, a refreshment and rebalancing of "Nolan's" Chakra's from Spirit to his physical cellular level and all spaces of his being not mentioned. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

affirmation number three
I ask for a rebalancing of his polarities. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

affirmation number four
I ask for a manifest and activation of a miracle made in heaven healing at the source of my energies, mind, emotions, psyche, and cellular structure. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
(Repeat the entire prayer 3 times bearing in mind that your talking to the Source with intent--and not just mouthing words as you may have done in past prayers.)

Insert the Prayer request:

I call upon the Source and the Source created resources. I ask for a manifestation and activation of a miracle made in heaven healing at the source of the discomfort or disease in behalf of Mr. Nolan. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

I accept the healing in behalf of Mr. Nolan.

I release the imprint in Mind, in Emotions, in Psyche and at the physical cellular body.

I open to the greater good of love, not of my will, but the will of love be. through me to him for his highest and best good in his concern. In my name I ask. So be it. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.--michael

(he turned and looking up said, "I feel much better now, michael."

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