Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ocean Siren's Celestial Whisper

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Many guest on the talk show coasttocoastam.com are today making all types of comments on the approaching 2012 etc., and multi-dimensional universes, aliens-good and bad, entities, energies, demons and disincarante spirits. What they are also saying is that they have no way of proving or disproving the existance only the belief is based on strong measurements and foggy pictures.Mean while, back at the ranch, Dale, Evans, Audrey and the gang continue their private battle with the darkside on a moment to moment basis. Someone forgot to upgrade the coasttocoast guest host that this battle indeed is on and continues with casualties on both sides. Your locked into the physical battle, which is only a dream illusion of what your term 'Reality!' Everything is a state of mind, projected through the eyes and realized by our senses as the 'Reality!'Someone forgot that in the Quantum Soup, their is only Source, the Spirit whose experiencing the multi-universe in a multi-existing forms that it created. These multiforms are choosing to create their realities and have lost theirselves in the experience. They now blame the God's they created and judges, kings and governments etc., for the state that they find themselves in. Anything to blame other than theirselves.Anyone with half a brain can see the effects of thinking much like the effects of the rays of the sun and effects of the wind. What do these guest and host require to see as proof??!!!

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